So sad that this Prof continues on his WRONG view about Islam The Muslim JW Jehovah Witness that refuse to vote.
Wish we had worked harder to stop the poison of Trump
Iqbal Qidwai
Self-Styled American Muslim "leaders" Support voting. It is Haram like voting for Abu Lahab's wife.
Clear Violation of Quran and Hadith.
See the texts below.
by Kaukab Siddique
Does Islam matter to American Muslims? Do Qur'an and authentic hadith matter to American Muslims? I am sure they do.
Then the question arises, on what basis self-styled leaders of American Muslims, a whole list of imams, have sent out a call for Muslims to vote.
Never in the history of the Prophet, pbuh, the Khulafa Rashidoon and all the sahaba, r.a., was there EVER a call for Muslims to use any methodology to make kuffar and oppressors leaders of the Muslims.
The question of oppressors being supported as leaders by Muslims is blasphemous, sacreligious and unthinkable for any Muslims who has faith in Allah and wants to follow the example of His Prophet, pbuh.
Let alone choosing oppressors and kuffar as leaders, it is strictly HARAM to cooperate even slightly with the oppressive power structure.
Officials of CAIR, ISNA,ICNA, Sound Vision, various imams linked to Siraj Wahhaj etc cannot continue to cooperate with the oppressors and still claim to be Muslims. In Islam there are no two views on this:
"And incline not to those who are oppressors or the fire will touch you, and ye will have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall ye be helped." [The Qur'an 11:113]
In Islam, the question of cooperating with non-Muslim rulers who oppress Muslims, such as Obama-Hillary are doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya and Nigeria, simply does not arise. However, there are clear texts from the Prophet, pbuh, and his Companions, r.a., and their Companions, r.a., which make very clear the meaning of 11:113 as regards Muslim rulers [let alone kuffar]:
"There will be rulers after me who will tell lies and oppress people. One who calls their lies 'truth' and helps them [in any way] in their oppression, such a one is not of me and I have nothing to do with such and such will not be anywhere near me at the Spring of Abundance (on the Day of Judgment)." [Prophet Muhammad pbuh, Hadith in the collections of Nasai, Tirmidhi and Hakim, narrated by Ka'ab bin 'Ujra, r.a.]
"...One who approaches human rulers gets involved in Fitna [disruption and turmoil.]" [Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, Sunan of Abu Dawud, narrated by ibn Abbas, r.a.]
Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, said: "In the future there will be rulers over you, some whom you will know and some whom you won't. One who stays away completely from rulers will be forgiven by Allah, one who looks at them and considers them bad will be saved [by Allah], but one who accepts them and follows them, Allah Almighty will remove him from His Mercy." A person asked: Should we do jihad against such rulers? The Prophet, pbuh, replied: Not as long as they establish worship of Allah. [Hadith, Sahih of Muslim]
Let us look briefly at the establishment of powerful rulers. Should we cooperate with them because they are powerful and can harm us and we cannot fight them? What did the outstanding scholars of Islam say when the non-Islamic rulers established themselves. Here is a sample:
Saeed bin al-Musayyeb, one of the greatest scholars of Hadith in the classical era of Islam said: When you see a person who knows Islam hanging around rulers, shun him because he is thief.
'Auzai, another giant of Islamic learning from the golden era of Islam said: With Allah Almighty, there is none worse than one who knows Islam yet goes to the rulers.
Makhul, another great early narrator of Hadith said: One who learns the Qur'an and gains knowledge of Islam and then approaches the ruler out of greed and to flatter, every step towards the ruler takes him towards the fire of hell.
As Muslims we are civic-minded and decent people. We do not violate the law of the land. We are good neighbors, honest workers and trustworthy friends.
That does not mean that we should cooperate with the oppressive power structure. No one is forcing us and Islam does not permit us to work for or with the White House, the Pentagon, or the intelligence services. All such cooperation is strictly haram.
Prayer and fasting are meaningless if we our loyalty is not with Allah but with the oppressors. Fear of humans is not an acceptable excuse.
Today we find a man with a Muslim name and claiming to be Hafize Qur'an working for the White House. We find a woman wearing a head covering working for the White House. All such acts are haram. These activities demean Islam, violate our sanctities and are meant to mislead and confuse Muslims.
Dear Muslim. I call on you to fear Allah. Focus on the Qur'an. No scholar has given it a different meaning than the obvious meaning of the text:
" ...Stand firm as you are commanded, you and those with you: turn [unto Allah], and transgress not (from the path), for He sees well all that you do. And INCLINE NOT towards those who oppress, or the Fire will touch you, and ye [shall] have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall ye be helped." [The Qur'an 11:112-113]
Scholars have noticed that these verses are condemning not only cooperation with oppressors but even an INCLINATION towards oppressors. Classical commentaries on the Qur'an discuss the depth of meaning in the Arabic text of this verse "wa la taraknu" [do not incline or bend or have the slightest positive feeling] for oppressors.
Commentators as varied as Zamakhshari and Beidawi agree that "wa la taraknu" is about the stage before actual physical cooperation takes place. The desire to bend slightly towards the oppressors becomes punishable by the Fire.
Qurtubi, another classical scholar, points out that this "inclination" includes dependence and a LIKING for the oppressors. These meanings are supported by the comments of Ibn Abbas, r.a., one of the companions of the Prophet, who was the earliest mufassir of the Qur'an. He says that this verse also implies that one should not keep quiet when one observes oppression being carried out. [Such as in our times the destruction of Fallujah during Ramadan or the degradation of the great scholar of Islam, Shaikh Omar 'Abdel Rahman, or the 'cavity search' of Imam Jamil and Dr. Aafia Siddiqui]
Qatada and 'Ikrima, of the first generation after the Sahaba [companions of the Prophet, pbuh] say that such inclination towards oppressors also implies obedience to them [such as the happiness of these "leaders" that they will, or could, get invitations to the White House].
Imam 'Auzai, from the first generation of Islam after the sahaba, says that his understanding of hadith on these verses is that NOTHING IS MORE CONDEMNABLE WITH ALLAH THAN A PERSON WHO CLAIMS TO BE AN IMAM [or 'Alim] BUT MEETS AN OPPRESSOR, be it a king or his functionaries. In the Arabic there is a play on the words 'Alim [Islamic scholar] and 'Amil [functionary].
The best comment comes from a classical Hadith scholar of the first era, Muhammad ibn Maslama, that:
"The approach of one who recites the Qur'an to the door of oppressors is WORSE THAN the likeness of the FLY WHO SITS on ShiT."
In our own times, Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani, the Islamic teacher of Mohomed Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, wrote the following note on 11:113 in his tafseer:
"Do not be inclined or attracted to the oppressors [those who have broken the bounds of Islam) in the slightest. Do your best to stay away from their friendship and companionship, refrain from respecting and honoring them, praising or exalting them, looking like them in appearance, jointly working with them, in short everything to do with oppressors, otherwise the fire will envelop you and you will find that you have no helper and Allah will no longer help you."
The learned Maulana then points to the solution for Muslims, given in 11:114, which we have not quoted, which is to incline towards Allah and to worship Allah morning and evening ..
The Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, has given us clear Hadith not to cooperate with oppressors. These are general teachings, in addition to the specific verses from the Qur'an:
From Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, r.a. the Prophet, pbuh, said: ...."By him in whose hand is my life, you will not achieve salvation unless you stop the oppressor and give the oppressed their right." [Hadith, Jami Tirmidhi, Abwab tafseer al-Qur'an]
From Abu Bakr Siddiq, r.a. .....I heard the messenger of Allah, pbuh, say, When people see an oppressor and do not stop him with both their hands, sooner or later the punishment of Allah will overtake them [the passive ones] too. [Hadith Jami Tirmidhi, Ibid.]
When such are the rules for non-cooperation with "Muslims" who become oppressors, there is absolutely NO BASIS in Islam for cooperation with oppressors who in addition to being oppressors are also kuffar.
Shias who are making the blunder of helping Imperialism should look at the example of Hussain, r.a., ibn Ali, r.a. Hussain did not want to cooperate with a Muslim ruler who was a faasiq. Dear Shias, why do you think you can fool the ummah? Stop beating your chests and helping Assad in Syria and Obama in Iraq. Join the Ummah, otherwise you are lost.
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