Sunday, August 24, 2014

Is LED The Most Efficient Lighting Technology?

Is LED The Most Efficient Lighting Technology?: "Another area where LED lighting technology really shines is in cold temperatures, for example, illuminating freezer storage areas. In sub-zero temperatures, fluorescent fixtures take a few minutes to warm up to full brightness. This means that you have to more or less turn the light on at the beginning of the work day, and leave it on until everyone goes home.

However, since LEDs come up to full brightness instantly in sub-zero temperatures, they can be fitted with occupancy sensors that only turn the light on when people are in the room. They can therefore cut their energy consumption significantly by automatically turning off when no one's around.

But of course, these are just a couple examples of factors that can affect the efficiency of any given lighting technology. The truth is, there are a whole host of other factors that could tip the scales in favor of one technology or another.

In some situations, the features of the LED-based fixtures might add enough efficiency to a system to overcome the disadvantage created by their initial cost. In other situations, fluorescent fixtures will still be the more affordable, more efficient choice.

Which brings us to our rather unsatisfying conclusion:

Efficiency Winner: It Depends
Price Winner: It Depends
ROI Winner: It Depends"

'via Blog this'

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