Thursday, December 18, 2014

Interview with a Lyft Driver Denied Medical After an Accident - Rideshare Dashboard

Interview with a Lyft Driver Denied Medical After an Accident - Rideshare Dashboard:  \

  • If the driver remains on the scene and he/she has adequate insurance, the other driver’s insurance will be paying out damages to you. Lyft’s Insurance or your own personal insurance shouldn’t have to get involved. In most cases, it is recommended to report it to your insurance as they will help you track your claim and fight for your money. However, if you are not at fault and get into an accident, it is best not to report it to your own auto insurance company.
  • The other driver’s insurance will only pay out as much as that person has. If there is not enough for the full damages, then you can go to court and sue him personally. This is why liability insurance is so important because if you don’t have it, you could get sued and lose everything you own depending on the damages you incur.
If you are at fault:
  • You will be liable to pay for the damages to the third party, passengers, your own car, and your own medical bills (if you incurred any). Lyft’s commercial insurance will pick up your liability for damages to third parties and your passenger.
  • Damages of your car will be paid out by Lyft IF AND ONLY IF you have submitted those claims to your own personal auto insurance and they deny this claim. If they deny this claim, it is very possible that they will drop you as your insurer as you are using your vehicle for hire. You really can’t argue with them on this one as it is at their discretion to interpret what is for hire and what is not, even if you are working for Sidecar and they are on the donation model.
  • If your own personal auto policy denies your claim, Lyft’s insurance will cover your car, but only after a $2500 deductible. You will have to pay up to $2500 worth of damage before Lyft’s insurance pays for any of the damages to your own car.
  • If your own auto insurance already denied your claim for collision, they won’t be covering your medical bills either. Your fallback is your medical insurance. In the above accident, the Lyft driver was covered by the medical insurance.
How well are you insured? Have you thought about what to do in the case of a Lyft accident? Are you ready to pay up to $2500 to fix your own car? Do you have a plan that covers your medical bills?

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